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Covid-19 is really here to force us to take a pause, stay at home and reflect. We are surrounded by a fog now with so many uncertainties, and with time on our hands now, we can do some of the things that we’ve been wanting to do but never could find the time to do them.

This is really nature’s way of telling us that we don’t own this earth, that other species have as much right to be here. If we don’t like them, at least don’t hurt them. They’re so adorable. How could anyone intentionally want to cause them pain and fear?

I’m currently enjoying my solitude, learning new things and missing my pets and friends back home. Can’t do much roaming now as we’re under the Restricted Movement Control order in a bid to prevent the virus from spreading. Staying home is like doing our bit for the country and for humanity.

Sending love to dear ones near and far. Jauh di mata namun dekat di hati.

Photo by Pixabay on

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